The below pictures were taken at Wrigley Field Chicago on my first of two trips to see the beloved Cubbies play. I took the trip on Memorial Day weekend in 1993.  They played the Montreal Expos and split the two games I saw.  During the game these pictures were taken there was almost a three hour delay for rain during the course of the game.
Mark Grace at the plate.                                        Ryne Sandberg at the plate.
Cubs catcher Sammy Taylor had a 6 year major league career with mostly the Cubs from 1958 - 1963. He spent part of 1962 with the New York Mets and 1963 with the Mets and Cincinnati Reds. His claim to fame is he was catching for the Cubs at Wrigley field on May 13, 1958 when Stan "the man" Musial rapped his 3000th hit as a pinch hit double becoming only the seventh player to reach that hit plateau.  Sammy finished his career with a .245 avg, 309 hits, 33 HR, 147 RBIs, 127 Runs, a .375 slugging avg., & 101 pinch hits in 473 games.
         Sammy Sosa
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